- You enjoy immediate results
- It’s inexpensive per “treatment”
- You can do it in the comfort of your own home
- The treatment products are readily accessible and can be found at almost every store out there
- It’s not permanent – chances are you will have to go through the same process within days or weeks to remove the hair again
- It can be rather painful
- It can become expensive. When you think about how much money you have spent on razors, depilatory creams or wax throughout your life to this point, tally it up. Chances are that you are in the hundreds of dollars spent, or perhaps even thousands
Think about the amount of time you will also be spending for the rest of your life on plucking, tweezing, shaving and waxing. Add that up, and it can end up being days and weeks spent simply on trying to get rid of unwanted hair! The laser treatment time varies on how large of an area you are having treated, but generally the treatment is completed within an hour or two. Now that’s far less time being spent on hair removal than if you were to use any other method!
Women also fear that the laser treatments can be painful, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. While it is true that some women feel a slight burning sensation when the treatment is taking place, the “pain” is by no means comparable to that you feel when you wax your hair, pluck an eyebrow, or nick your skin while shaving.
There are the horror stories that we have all heard about the lasers causing health issues, most commonly irreparable skin burns. This can and does occur, but these cases are few and far between. If you are thinking about going for laser hair removal, don’t make the price per treatment be the determining factor. Focus on the quality of the treatment provider. Ask them for references, and follow up on those references. Look for reviews online of the particular treatment provider and make sure that they are reputable and known for providing long lasting and beautiful results.
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